Trading Tax Reports

Easy tax reports

Are you tired of spending hours trying to accurately report your stock trading taxes?

Developed specifically for Revolut, Degiro, eToro, XTB, Trading212, Interactive Brokers, Lightyear, Trade Republic and Tastytrade users, our platform streamlines the tax reporting process.

With Tax-Wizard, you can save time and avoid the stress of manual calculations, giving you more time to focus on your investments and financial goals.

Platforms Supported

Tax-Wizard is developed for Revolut, eToro, Degiro, XTB, Trading212, Interactive Brokers, Lightyear, Trade Republic, and Tastytrade. We also support some P2P Loan platforms such as Peerberry, Crowdpear, and Esketit.

We are continually expanding our platform support to more brokers.

If you use a platform that is not currently supported by Tax-Wizard, please reach out to us


With Tax-Wizard, you can easily generate professional and accurate tax forms with just a few clicks. Tax-Wizard streamlines the process of preparing and submitting your tax forms, saving you time and hassle. Try it out today and experience the benefits of seamless tax form preparation.

Quanto vale o seu tempo?

Considere o valor do seu tempo e a tranquilidade de ter uma ferramenta confiável e precisa para lidar com o preenchimento do IRS


20 €  (-20% off)

Todas as funcionalidades, Revolut, Degiro, eToro, XTB, Trading212, Interactive Brokers e Lightyear

  • Suporta todas as divisas da Revolut, Degiro, eToro, XTB, Trading212, Interactive Brokers e Lightyear
  • Exportar CSV com todas as Aquisições e Realizações
  • Preenchimento automático dos Anexos J, G, E do Modelo 3 da Declaração de IRS (PT)
  • Cálculo automático das mais-valias