Supported Currencies

Supported currencies for Revolut, Degiro, eToro, XTB, Trading212, Interactive Brokers, and Trade Republic trades

At Tax-Wizard, we understand the importance of accurate tax reporting when it comes to calculating your capital-gains from your trading activity.
That's why we have designed our tool to automatically convert the transaction currency to your local currency when no daily exchange rate is provided by your broker.
This ensures that you have a precise view of your transactions on your local currency, making it easier to accurately report your capital gains and losses for tax purposes, without having to spend hours manually calculating and converting your transactions.

Currency ISO 4217 Code
Australian Dollar AUD
Bulgarian lev BGN
Brazilian Real BRL
Canadian Dollar CAD
Swiss franc CHF
Chinese Yuan CNH
Cyprus pound CYP
Czech koruna CZK
Danish Krone DKK
Euro EUR
Pound sterling GBP
Hong Kong Dollar HKD
Hungarian forint HUF
Croatian kuna HRK
Icelandic krona ISK
Japanese yen JPY
South Korean won KRW
Norwegian krone NOK
Polish zloty PLN
Romanian leu RON
Russian Ruble RUB
Swedish krona SEK
Turkish lira TRY
Singapore Dollar SGD
US Dollar USD

How much is your time really worth?

Consider the value of your time and the peace of mind that comes with having a reliable and accurate tool to handle your tax reporting
(not a subscription, no auto renewal)


25 €

All features, for Revolut, Degiro, eToro, XTB, Trading212, Interactive Brokers, Freedom24, Lightyear, Trade Republic, Coinbase, Robinhood Crypto,...

  • Support for all brokers and currencies
  • Automatic calculation of capital gains
  • Report with Acquisitions, Realizations, Dividends, and Interest
  • Open positions report and statistics
  • Transaction and dividends statistics
  • Export Open Positions to Yahoo Finance


125 €

All premium features, for accountants, financial advisors, tax consultants, or other professionals and companies wanting to use Tax-Wizard for multiple clients.

  • Support for all brokers and currencies
  • Automatic calculation of capital gains
  • Report with Acquisitions, Realizations, Dividends, and Interest
  • Open positions report and statistics
  • Transaction and dividends statistics
  • Export Open Positions to Yahoo Finance